
Background Information

           The term “Plague” is often synonymous with “Bubonic Plague,” but that is only one of its manifestations. Other names have been given to describe this disease. (“Plague” (disease) Wikipedia) “The earliest account describing a possible Plague epidemic is found in I Samuel 5:6 of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh).” (“Plague” (disease) Wikipedia) The First Great Pandemic happened in AD 543 and lasted for 60 years. The Second Pandemic occurred in the fourteenth century. It was called “The Black Death” because of the black patches of skin which appeared on its victims. This Pandemic lasted for 400 years. About one fourth of the entire European population perished during this outbreak. The Final Pandemic, or more commonly known as the “Modern Pandemic,” took place in Northern China and spread through all of the continents. (“Plague” World of Health)

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